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Stories of Impact: Preservation Greensboro


Preservation Greensboro works to build thriving communities by protecting and renewing historic and architectural treasures. For over 50 years, Preservation Greensboro has served to preserve historic sites, neighborhoods, and streetscapes that provide the Gate City with a unique sense of history and place.


In 2021, Preservation Greensboro received a North Carolina Humanities American Rescue Plan Humanities Grant to help sustain their operations through the COVID-19 pandemic.


“The American Rescue Plan Humanities Grant is helping to keep the Blandwood doors open to the public. Blandwood is one of America’s great historic homes,” said Benjamin Briggs, Executive Director of Preservation Greensboro.


“We are able to give tours through the house that incorporate the importance of the decorative arts in the history and personal stories of those who lived and worked at Blandwood. As a well-established museum, we are a go-to for people who want to learn more about NC history. Now, more than ever, people are looking to see what they can explore in their own towns. We have seen the amount of local tour-goers skyrocket, and the ability to provide quality tours will remain constant with this grant,” Briggs concluded.


North Carolina Humanities awarded a total of $1,271,060 in American Rescue Plan Humanities Grants to 90 North Carolina cultural organizations in September 2021. Funding for North Carolina Humanities American Rescue Plan Humanities Grants was provided to North Carolina Humanities by the National Endowment for the Humanities through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP), approved by Congress and signed into law by President Biden in March 2021. To see a list of all 90 grantees visit


Stories of Impact is a limited-time blog series that highlights various North Carolina Humanities American Rescue Plan Humanities Grant recipients and their amazing work across the state.